Stellar Wings [Sekirei/Stellaris] (2024)

A/N: Back in the saddle again with my next major project. I've been itching to write this story for years and now that Veil of Passion is in the books I finally can!

With Twisted Wings and Veil of Passion finally complete, it's time to write Veil's sequel, which is this: Sekirei in the grand 4X universe of Stellaris.

Creating a sequel with crossover elements may seem unconventional when the original story was self-contained. However, I believe there's immense potential in using "Veil of Passion" as the 'origin' story for this new narrative.

Stellaris boasts a highly customizable universe, allowing for the creation of a species with distinct physical characteristics, planetary origins, and genetic traits – the possibilities are truly limitless. This level of creative freedom is further amplified by the extensive modding community within the game.

My own experience with Stellaris is extensive, having accumulated nearly 6,000 hours of playtime over the past seven years.

No, I did not add an extra zero to that.

The decision to base this story on "Veil" rather than a standalone Sekirei concept stems from a desire to expand upon the established lore and relationships. While a fresh start would be appealing, I'm passionate about exploring the dynamics I built in "Veil" within a new, exciting sci-fi fantasy setting. It'll be more my own is what I'm saying.

Speaking of Veil of Passion, sadly because of it's NSFW nature I'm unable to publish or link to it here, but fear not, it's not required reading to grasp what will be going on in this story aside from some character relationships that might take you by surprise if you hadn't read it.

This story will have occasional lemons, but as per this site's regulations, I will refrain from publishing those bits here.

For fans of space operas akin to Mass Effect, this project should be right up your alley!

With that, let the journey begin!


Stellar Wings [Sekirei/Stellaris] (1)


[Stellaris OST: Creation and Beyond]

Minato swiped his month-long bus pass, the worn plastic mirroring his own journey – a little frayed around the edges but carrying him steadily towards a brighter future. Its validity was nearing its end, just like his school days, but the feeling of accomplishment was exhilarating.

Five years.

Five years had gone by since The Sekirei Plan came to an end. Four years since he'd crushed the entrance exam. And just last week, he'd graduated with the highest honors in medical science. Minato Sahashi was a changed man.

No longer tethered by the shadows of his past, he found a new strength within himself. Looking back on things, college had been a place of passion rather than obligation, his dedication lighting up the room, so much so that his teachers found new joy in their mentorship, engaging with him as if he were a beacon of inspiration.

This newfound energy was contagious, uplifting everyone at the Izumo Inn. Despite their collective past sorrows, they rallied together, finding comfort and courage in each other's company.

Minato's heart, once a lead weight, now soared like a kite. He saw a couple on the bus, their fingers intertwined, and instead of envy, a smile bloomed on his face. It was a reminder of the love waiting for him at home, a family knit together through trials and triumphs. They were his anchor, ready to celebrate every victory, big or small.

Nearing his stop, Minato opened the bento box prepared by his lovely wife Tsukiumi to finish the last remaining bits of it.

As he went to take the last bite, his phone buzzed in his pocket as he disembarked at his stop. Pulling it out, he saw a familiar number flashing on the screen. "Mom?" Minato answered, curiosity lacing his voice.

"Hey Minato, congratulations on the graduation! Sorry I couldn't make it. MBI's been...hectic," her voice crackled with barely suppressed urgency.

"Thanks, Mom! Don't sweat it, Yukari filmed it, so–" Minato started, but she cut him off.

"No time to chat I'm afraid. I have a proposition. Something...unconventional. It involves employment in MBI, but it's top secret. Can you meet me at the tower? Now?"

Minato's mind reeled. MBI, the world's leading tech giant, offering him a position straight out of college? It was an opportunity that wouldn't be repeated. His mom must've pulled some serious strings. Then again, MBI practically owned the world these days, so maybe working for them was inevitable.

"Sure, I'll be there. When?" Minato asked

"Immediately," Takami said bluntly.

"But I just got off the bus! I'm nowhere near–"

"No worries. I know exactly where you are since I've been tracing the call."

"YOU WHAT?!" Minato's mind reeled.

Takami ignored the outburst. "I'll arrange a ride to the tower for you, so sit tight. And Minato? In the meantime get some new digs from that outfitter you're near. Wear something comfortable. You're going to want to be ready for adventure."

"Adventure? Hey, just what are you–?"

The line went dead, leaving Minato with a whirlwind of emotions – excitement, curiosity, and a healthy dose of apprehension. What on earth could MBI want with a fresh-faced medical graduate?


The MBI tower pierced the clouds, a shimmering monument to human ingenuity. Minato, clad in a carefully chosen outfit that hovered between professional and relaxed, emerged from the sleek limousine and entered the grand lobby. His heart thumped a frantic rhythm against his ribs.

The receptionist, upon hearing his name, whisked him straight to Minaka's office, a sanctuary high above the city's bustling hum. Within, Minaka offered a warm smile, his glasses glinting with secrets waiting to be unraveled. Takami stood beside him, and to Minato's surprise, Chiho sat patiently across from the game master's desk as well.

"Minato, welcome! It's no secret you're both curious about your presence here," boomed Minaka, his voice radiating a practiced charisma.

"Indeed, Mr. Minaka," Minato admitted, taking a seat next to Chiho, his gaze drawn to the breathtaking cityscape sprawling behind the desk. Chiho scooted closer to him, taking claim of his arm and nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder. Ever since she first met him at the hospital, she just couldn't help herself, especially after her terminal illness was cured thanks to his efforts.

"Now that we're all here," Chiho chimed in, her voice laced with curiosity, "spill the beans, four-eyes. What's this all about?"

Minaka leaned forward, his tone dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "What I'm about to propose will shatter the boundaries of science and exploration. We at MBI are planning an expedition, but not just any expedition. This is a voyage across the solar system...and beyond."

[Stellaris OST: Deep Space Travel]

Minato and Chiho's jaws dropped in unison. "Hold on a second, what?!" they exclaimed, echoing each other's disbelief. This sounded straight out of a science fiction novel.

"We require a medical expert for this mission, someone young, brilliant, and ready to embrace the unknown vastness of space," Minaka explained, his fingers drumming a steady rhythm on the polished surface of his desk. "That's you, my boy."

"Precisely," Takami interjected, her eyes gleaming with pride and apprehension. "You, along with Chiho and the Discipline Squad, will join me, a team of our finest scientists, and embark on a pioneering journey. Barring the moon landing, we'll be the first to venture where no human has gone before."

Chiho's eyes widened. "This is entirely unexpected," she admitted, a nervous giggle escaping her lips, "but an adventure is always welcome."

A knot of worry tightened in Minato's stomach. "But my Sekirei," he said, "I can't leave them behind, and I doubt they'd even let me."

"Worry not," Minaka assured him with a reassuring nod. "Except for the Green Girl, who's still a smidge too young, your entire flock, along with Chiho's, will be accompanying you."

"That's reassuring…" Minato sweat-dropped.

"I understand why Minato's being offered this, but why me?" Chiho inquired.

"You're the victor of the Sekirei Plan and Ashikabi of the Discipline Squad." Minaka began, "Combined with Minato you have around a dozen Sekirei at your disposal and half of them are single numbers. It would be foolish not to let you go on the journey in case you run into trouble."

"Trouble?" Minato gulped, imagining a Lovecraftian cosmic monstrosity creeping up from behind him like the full moon over lush mountains. His teeth chattered as its tentacles ensnared him.

The world seemed to tilt on its axis, the familiar boundaries of reality blurring in his mind. An interstellar expedition? It was a dream so audacious, so mind-boggling, that it sent shivers of fear and exhilaration down his spine. Yet, a spark ignited within him, a deep yearning to be a part of something monumental.

"This is a lot to process," Minato finally managed, his voice hoarse.

"Absolutely," Chiho echoed. "If we accept this mission, how long will we be gone?"

Minaka steepled his fingers. "For your maiden voyage, we're looking at a time frame of eight months to two years to case the solar system."

Minato's voice held a flicker of disbelief. "Why me, of all people? There must be doctors with far more experience that MBI could call on."

The game master chuckled, the sound surprisingly warm. "Nonsense, Minato. You aced your classes, graduating top of your year after four years of relentless dedication. You completed your medical PhD in half the usual time! Who better to face the unknown than the mind that conquers every challenge?" He pivoted to his ex. "Isn't that right, Takami?"

"Absolutely," she said, her eyes filled with pride. "Words can't express how proud I am."

Minato, caught in a whirlwind of emotions, surprised himself by finding his voice steady. "If I accept, when would we leave?"

"Two months," Takami answered. "Our scientists are on the verge of reverse-engineering the Sekirei ship's propulsion technology and construction of the vessel is nearing completion. In the meantime, you, Chiho, and your Sekirei will undergo intensive training – everything you need to survive and thrive in the vast unknown."

Chiho's gaze narrowed. "What's the true purpose of this expedition, Minaka? There's a hidden agenda, I can feel it."

Minaka leaned back in his chair, a sly smile playing on his lips. "MBI's influence has saturated Earth. The only direction left is up. I want you both to be part of that. This, Minato, is the adventure of a lifetime." He slammed his hands on the desk, then stood, extending a hand. "So, are you in?"

Minato hesitated, a thousand thoughts swirling in his head. "I...need some time to think."

Minaka turned to Chiho. "And you?"

She met his gaze with a level look. "I'm on board, as long as Minato is. Otherwise, I have to decline."

Minaka sighed, a hint of frustration flickering across his face. "Very well. Take your time, discuss it with your loved ones. The offer remains open."


[Sekirei OST: Track 01]

The warm yellow glow of Izumo Inn beckoned like a lighthouse in the gathering dusk. Minato practically ran the last stretch, his sneakers squelching slightly in the damp grass. He couldn't wait to share the incredible news he carried.

Bursting through the door, he peeled off his mud-caked shoes and was met by a tableau of warm concern and lively curiosity. His Sekirei family, a mosaic of vibrant personalities, soon began falling in as the door creaked shut.

"Minato!" Musubi's voice rang out first, her eyes sparkling with a familiar light as she cleared the distance from the back door to his body in a single stride. Of course she gave him a hug. "Welcome home, slowpoke! Did you get lost again?"

Minato chuckled, the familiar banter a balm after a surreal day. "Not exactly," he admitted, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. Any second now…

"Minato!" Tsukiumi marched up to him, her boots clacking across the wooden floor, her long blonde hair, black dress, and beautiful bosom bouncing with each step.

Minato smiled and showed her the empty bento box. "Delicious as always, Tsukiumi."

Tsukiumi smirked proudly and folded her arms. "I stand upon a high plateau, if thou canst not love it more."

Minato was about to reply when Musubi swooped in and kissed him on the lips. Her pink wings lit the hallway for the brief moment before she came down from her tiptoes.

Before Tsukiumi could step up and get what was hers, Minato was spun around and kissed again, this time by a buxom black-haired seductress in a tight, form-fitting purple dress. He felt one of her bare thighs rise to brush his hip.

She moaned in ecstasy as pink wings of her own bloomed from her crest, before she hopped up and hugged his hips with her knees.

"Mmm, you're right, Mina-kun," Kazehana purred happily. "It was delicious."

She dropped back to her feet, pushing Minato back all the while. Minato chuckled as he let himself stumble into Tsukiumi's impatient embrace, having a nice lip-lock with his (debatably) real wife, still feeling the rush of having one with his (debatably) other wife and his first Sekirei.

"Aw, no catfighting?" Matsu cheekily asked, her orange braids swaying as she came down the stairs in her pink cheongsam.

"I don't miss it," Minato replied, catching her as she jumped from the stairs and into his arms. She mimicked Kazehana's leg-hug but sent Minato stumbling against the wall.

Tsukiumi's lips pursed as she watched yet another woman, the lewdest one of them all, kiss her husband, Matsu's orange wings flowing over Tsukiumi's face and hair.

"If that be-" Tsukiumi halted as she saw her husband carrying Matsu into the living room. "What violation art thou planning?!"

"Nothing like that, Tsukiumi," Minato assured her as he set a giggling Matsu down. Uzume and Yashima came in from the back yard, Kusano joining them.

"But listen up, everyone, because what I have to tell you is far more exciting." He lowered his voice, the hushed silence amplifying the weight of his next words. "I have something… extraordinary to share."

"Ooh, spill the beans!" Matsu chimed in, a playful glint in her eyes. "What's the big soap opera surprise? Please let it be naughty!~"

Kazehana swirled the sake in her saucer, a small smile gracing her lips. "This should be good." she said, taking a sip and savoring the taste.

"MBI offered me a job," Minato began, his voice brimming with a mixture of nerves and excitement. "They're planning a huge expedition, and they want me on the team."

"Intriguing," Uzume purred, leaning forward in her seat. It looked like she stopped by for a visit while Minato was out working his soon-to-be former job. Yashima was there too, trying to keep out of the way. "Where's this expedition headed?"

Minato held their gazes for a dramatic beat, letting the anticipation simmer. Then, with a single powerful word, he shattered the silence.

[Stellaris OST: Stargazer]

"Space," he said, his voice ringing in the room.

A collective gasp rippled through the enclosure, the simple word shaking them to their core. The air crackled with a mix of shock and excitement as Minato launched into the details of his unexpected opportunity with MBI.


"…and if I agree, you all get to come with me. Also, Chiho's going."

Tsukiumi was the first to break the stunned silence. She rose, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Minato," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "This is… astounding. Thou hast always possessed a brilliant mind and unwavering determination, and this is a testament to both. We knew thou wert destined for greatness."

Musubi, unable to contain her enthusiasm, bounced on her toes, fists clenched in excitement. "We're all so proud of you, Minato! You're going to be a spaceman!"

Yashima offered a rare, warm smile, her approval evident. "We are all behind you, every step of the way."

Matsu's eyes gleamed with a researcher's zeal. "Think of the data! The possibilities for groundbreaking discoveries are endless, Minato! This is a chance to be part of something history will remember!"

Kazehana, ever the forward one, draped an arm around Minato's shoulder, pulling him close. "Didn't I say you'd be a star someday?"

Even Kusano, despite the recent growth spurt that made her nearly Yukari's height, couldn't contain her childish excitement. "Minato's going to the sky! That's so cool!" she chirped, her voice bubbling with joy.

A pang of guilt shot through Minato as he remembered Minaka's words. He hated to be the bearer of bad news, but he knew it was best to address it head-on.

"There's just one thing," Minato began hesitantly, his earlier excitement dimming. "Minaka said that you might be a little too young for this trip, Kusano."

Kusano's smile vanished, replaced by a frown. Her large eyes welled up with tears. "What?! But I've grown so much! I wanna go, too! Why can't I?"

A wave of sympathy washed over Minato. He crouched before Kusano, his gaze meeting hers with a reassuring warmth. "Kusano, I know this is disappointing, believe me. But space travel is dangerous, and Minaka thinks it might be too much for someone still growing like you."

Kusano sniffled, wiping a stray tear with the back of her hand. "But I won't be a burden, I promise! I can help with chores and stuff! And I'll be good, I really will!"

Minato squeezed her hand gently. "I know you would, Kusano. You're the strongest and bravest person I know. But there are ways you can still be a part of this, even if you can't come with us physically."

Kusano's eyes widened with a flicker of hope. "Really? How?"

"We can record messages for you every day," Musubi chimed in, her earlier enthusiasm returning. "We'll tell you all about the amazing things we see and do!"

Tsukiumi drew up beside Minato, a thoughtful glint in her eyes. "Perhaps we might use what we learn to teach thee. When thou art able enough to join us, thy preparation shall vastly exceed our current own.."

Kusano's lower lip trembled slightly, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "A training program? That sounds…fun!"

"It will be!" Yashima offered, her voice laced with encouragement. "And who knows? Maybe by the time we return, you'll be all grown up and ready for your own space adventure."

Kusano's smile widened, a spark of determination replacing the disappointment in her eyes. "I promise, I'll be ready next time!"

Minato ruffled her hair playfully. "That's the spirit, Kusano! We'll miss you tons while we're gone, but we'll be thinking of you every day."

Minato was still nervous about going into space, but everyone's encouragement was so contagious that he forgot he hadn't agreed to go yet.

Kusano returned the gesture, a newfound purpose evident in her gaze. "And I'll be here, training hard and waiting for your stories. Bring me back a moon rock, okay?"

Laughter filled the room, chasing away the momentary tension.

A melodic chime from the doorbell interrupted the joyous celebration. The door swung open to reveal Chiho and the remaining four from her flock, a wave of familiar faces flooding into the warm embrace of the inn.

Benitsubasa spoke upon noticing the liveliness of everyone. "Hey, did we miss something?"

"Quite a bit, actually." Matsu said. "Go on, Minato. Tell them the news."

"No need." Yume smiled, stepping forward. "We already know, and we're here to celebrate! Can you believe it? We're going into space!"

"Of course, there will be challenges," Yashima said, her brow furrowed in concern. "Space is a harsh environment, fraught with dangers we can scarcely comprehend. But I have no doubt in our ability to overcome them." She looked between the two Ashikabi. "You are resourceful, adaptable, and possess an unwavering spirit."

"Oh, you flatterer," Benitsubasa said with a friendly sneer.

Haihane, never one to miss a jab, chimed in with a sly Cheshire cat grin. "The only thing flat around here is you."

A ripple of laughter erupted from the group, sending a flush creeping up Benitsubasa's neck.

"What was that?!" Benitsubasa sputtered, her cheeks burning a vibrant crimson. Steam whistled from her ears.

"Oh, nothing," Haihane cackled.

Kazehana chimed in with a hiccup. "I say this momentous occasion deserves a celebration! Let's all get sh*tfaced!"

"That sounds quite unpleasant and disgusting. Leave me out of it." Akitsu added, dryly.

"Relax, Aki-dear." Chiho reassured her with a laugh. "She didn't mean that literally."

"Right," Uzume said, standing up. "There's more than one way to make it happen!"

She barged through Minato's flock and kissed him. Just as impossibly as the very first time, those years ago, the flesh beneath Uzume's crest swirled with energy and white, cloth-like wings emerged from beneath her long-sleeve belly top.

"Still need to figure that out," Matsu commented, jealously licking her lips.

"Speak for thyself," Tsukiumi said. "I am content with one Ashikabi."

Uzume gasped as she ended the kiss, losing her balance as her legs crumpled and sent her face motorboating into Minato's chest. She giggled. "See, Akitsu? Nothing to it!"

With a resigned huff, Akitsu conceded, allowing the playful chaos to resume. Glasses were raised, a cacophony of cheers erupting as the Sekirei families celebrated their extraordinary opportunity. The Izumo Inn thrummed with an electric energy that night, a testament to the unbreakable bond they all shared.

As the night wore on, plans were made, and nervous excitement crackled in the air as they streamed foreign sci-fi films, both good and bad. Minato, the center of attention, basked in the love and support of his family. He knew the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but with their belief in him, he felt ready to face the unknown, ready to touch the stars.

Suddenly, another phone call from his mother interrupted the festivities. He excused himself from the joyous chaos and stepped outside for a moment of privacy.


"Hi, Minato, it's Mom again. I understand you're still wrestling with the decision about space travel. So, I took the liberty of arranging something for you and everyone else."

"What kind of arrangement?" He asked, curiosity piqued.

"A tour of the very vessel you'll be embarking on," she explained. "Minaka gave the go-ahead, so I figured a glimpse of your future home might change your mind. Are you interested?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected offer, Minato stammered, "Oh, well, yeah, sure, I guess."

"Excellent," his mother chirped. "Consider it done. I'll handle the logistics. And Minato?"


There was a pause.

"...I love you."

The call then disconnected.

Letting out a sigh, he said. "Love you too, mom."

He pocketed the device and returned to the festivities.


A/N: This is going to be fun...

Constructive criticism and plentiful discussion is strongly encouraged.

Stellar Wings [Sekirei/Stellaris] (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.